Friday, January 20, 2012

As a follow up.

To my whole diatribe about the moon, a friend linked me to this video.  Strange, vocal like sounds coming from no where.  Some reported that these sounds get so rowdy that it shakes their houses.  The earliest record of THESE sounds comes from November of last year.

I did a little research.. and found this sound is related to ocean waves.

"When two waves of opposite direction but similar frequency collide, they create a special kind of pressure wave that carries energy to the ocean bottom. As these waves pound against the sea floor, they generate a constant vibration with a frequency of about 10 millihertz, much too low for humans to hear but easily detectable with seismometers. "

My question is how can we hear it?  Supposedly, it is too low of a frequency to hear... so maybe something is changing rapidly.  Remember my moon post and how it is changing rapidly??  Ocean tides are directly related to the moon, right??  Maybe we should start paying attention to what is going on around us that is amazing and natural... then focusing on man made chaos like war and SOPA.

I think a new age is coming of some sort. Not the end of the world completely, but the end of the world as we have become familiar.  I think phenomena like this are showing that the earth is more dependent on the moon than we are of it.

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