Yesterday a friend of mine, Joe hipped me to this thing happening with the moon. At first I was a little out of it since astronomy was never really my thing. Then he started showing me pictures of a full moon in december from 2008 to 2011. I went a little further and found pictures of February and December of each year.
Dec 2008
Feb 2009
Dec 2009
Feb 2010
Dec 2010
Dec 2011
Obviously disregarding the various colors and cameras used to take these photos, there is something remarkable happening. In the Dec 2008 picture, there is a gigantic crater at the southern "pole" of the moon. Each month it is rotating around the moon in a counterclockwise motion until Dec 2011 where it has almost made a complete cycle. WHY does this interest me? Because we are told that the moon is dead. We only see one side of the moon all the time as it orbits around us. Therefore it doesn't rotate on an axis of any sort. It just exists. As a kid I remember thinking the dark spots look like snoopy riding a bike. You can look up at the moon tonight and see that it is upside down snoopy riding a bike.
So why is something so gigantic not being discussed? It's not like humans have done anything to cause this, so for once we can actually study something and not take blame.
To me, the very cool thing is that the moon is turning counter clockwise, as in nature everything spins to the left (protons, electrons, etc). The other idea is that perhaps the earth has shifted so our vantage point of the moon is different. In which case, that means we have had a polar shift and we didn't even notice. Tides haven't been affected, but weather sure as hell has been whacky.
I think that the moon is mirroring the earth's physical state. In that, there is proof that the earth as we know it is in fact coming to an end. Electro magnetic fields are changing and land masses are shifting. If that is the case, it seems like it is the moving car theory. Where we are in a fixed position in a car, but everything around us is moving in its fixed position. Therefore, we don't even recognize anything is happening.
Something big is happening and I find it interesting that this happened within the time NASA has shut down, and the year of great prophecy.
I'll leave you on this note: Here is the typical moon cycle.
Something is happening, and we need to know about it.
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