Is it's ran by morons.
School's are businesses, and the only way to get anything done is to treat them like businesses.
This is now my THIRD school I have attended since I graduated from High School, I think I have figured this out to the point of insanity.
EXAMPLE: I want to do a recital this semester. By UNT standards, I need to sign up for "Dissertation" hours in order for it to count towards my degree. This makes perfect sense, I have to do 4 recitals including a lecture recital and I need 12 hours in dissertation credit to complete the degree.
You also need 16 hours of lessons to complete your degree... so that means... 2 set of credits are geared toward the same material. Obviously in "Dissertation" I am working on recital prep... as would I be doing the same if it were just classified as "lessons".
Excuse me, are you charging me extra for the same instruction? I thought I was being paid to play at this school, NOW I have to pay for 3 more credits on top of lessons to play a REQUIRED recital for the degree. I am being paid to play music for a school in which I have to pay money to play????
Oh I get it, you are trying to get your money back aren't you? That isn't how a business is ran!!!! You hire someone and then expect them to pay YOU!??
Furthermore, to soften the blow, administration tells you " at least you get to break the dissertation hours up over the course of 3 years, other Doctoral majors have to take it all in their last semester"
WRONG!! I guarantee anyone who is a Doctoral candidate is spending as many hours in the library and in the field as I do in the practice room and analyzing music. The only difference is... I get to pay a little every year, and they pay a lump sum at the end of their degree...
WAIT A SECOND!!!! We all know tuition goes up every year... so I am paying more on the credit every year since I am breaking the total 12 dissertation credits up 4 times... as opposed to paying the flat rate tuition for a total of 12 hours. I AM PAYING MORE FOR MY DEGREE OVER A LONGER PERIOD OF TIME!!!!
Obviously I am pissed, these are the obstacles you go through that this business doesn't warn you about.
There are high school kids busting their asses taking AP courses and retaking the ACT and SAT to get higher grades so that schools will HELP pay for tuition. (not including the bullshit fees) Let's face it, its the United States Education System... when those unsuspecting freshmen come in bright eyed and a little nervous to take the entrance exams to hopefully place out of remedial courses... their education and hard work still isn't good enough for you... therefore.. they have to take the remedial courses before they can take their major classes... thus keeping them there longer and making them pay more and more each year.
FUCK YOU!! you are robbing kids of their education... Let me remind you, you gave us that "great" president who started "No Child Left Behind" and look where that got us... yeah yeah.. there are some perks of course... but now the kids are getting left behind because they can't afford to go to school anymore!!!!!
AND ON THAT NOTE!! Why in music, will I have to take MORE theory classes... what else is there that I haven't learned in my undergrad or master's??? let me rephrase that... WHAT INFORMATION ARE YOU KEEPING FROM ME WHERE I HAVE TO PAY YOU AND STAY IN SCHOOL FOR 3 MORE YEARS TO GET SAID INFORMATION?
The Education system is broken just like everything else in this country... then you drive down the road and see someone homeless... and you are thankful that you had the opportunity to get an education.
This is a rant, no time to consider syntax, phrase structure or anything along those lines. You see these posts all the time about individuals complaining about school... to only find the essay littered with flaws of grammar and such... I understand now... when people are mad... they can only speak the way the feel... it is raw and emotional... and you can't grade that.. so put your pens away and take me off of your 4.0 scale... I'm done with that... our greatest minds spent years in school... then spent the rest of their lives trying to forget everything they learned.
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."-Einstein
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