It has been over a year since I last spoke to my dad.... coming up on a year since I last saw my dad
Tonight... I realized one of the many reasons why I miss him
He taught me MANy things... notice the word MAN... yes... I was a MAN raised by a MAN... someone who took up for themselves.. who said "Fuck you" to the status quo... someone who didn't even know that status quo was a "thing"
We all look up to someone... and I have met and engaged many times with my idols... but my dad...
The person you meet... when you meet me... the ideas and the life you see... all comes from him.
I miss my dad... and yes I am pissed that he is gone.. yes I feel it to be unfair... and YES... I wish he was here
but at the end of the day... he taught me to live on my own.. without help.
I love you dad.
and like I said this time last year... everything I do now... is for you.